Items can be returned within 14 days for a refund. Please contact us at to start a return. All returns must be returned to us in its original packaging to prevent any damages in transit. The item(s) must be returned in the same condition they were sent to you. Any shipping cost to return an item is at the cost of the customer. We cannot be responsible for parcels lost in transit, so please obtain proof of postage when making your return. Once we have received the returned item(s) and inspected the item(s) in its original condition, we will refund the cost of the product(s) only. Delivery costs are non-refundable.
If any items arrived damaged or faulty, we will provide a replacement if possible or provide a refund for the damaged item. Please email us at with photo evidence of any damaged products within 48 hours of receipt.
We do not accept returns, exchanges or cancellations on custom orders. But please contact us if you have any problems with your order.
All orders from our 'Wonky Corner' section are excluded from our returns policy.